Receive emails of immediate openings, merchandise sales, news releases and more with the free BHSG Newsletter!

Because so many of our schools sell out long before the scheduled dates, it sometimes becomes necessary for a student to cancel his/her reservation. We have decided to add a new feature to our school in order for students to keep better informed with our school openings.

Immediate School Openings Mailing List
This free email newsletter will keep you updated whenever openings arise and will ensure you don't miss out on an opportunity to attend one of our schools! We will e-mail this newsletter out to all individuals on our mailing list whenever openings for previously sold-out schools should arise. The open positions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis.

You can sign up for our free newsletters on our website by clicking the Newsletter Subscriptions link.

** Students wishing to reserve three (3) or more spots in a school should call our school office for other waiting list/mailing list options. Our school can be contacted at (702) 777-2444.


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Copyright ©2024 Butch Harmon School of Golf
Last Updated: 9/28/2009