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The Butch Harmon School of Golf is excited to offer FREE e-newsletters to keep our visitors up-to-date with news from our school! Keep informed about immediate school openings, upcoming schedule releases, merchandise sales, and news releases by subscribing our free BHSG e-newsletters below.
We respect your right to electronic anonymity; we will never use information collected anywhere but internally in our school office. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact our school.
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BHSG Newsletter
With golf schools being filled sometimes a whole year in advance, it can be hard to reserve a spot to work with Butch & our staff! This newsletter will keep you updated whenever openings arise and will ensure you don't miss out on an opportunity to attend one of our schools. It will also inform you of merchandise sales, news releases, changes to our scheduled schools, and the release of the upcoming year's schedule.
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Copyright ©2024 Butch Harmon School of Golf
Last Updated: 9/28/2009